Hi to all, My weight had been increased a lot, so one day I thought to do 16hrs fasting . I had heard it from past somebody discuss it why can we have a try it. so I make a plan and following it today 1 week had been passed away so I thought to share experience how I fell and what I had observed. At first 1day I feel like tried because it was not in the habit so then now I am enjoying it. That day before a night at 20:00hrs I had to eat rice and dal in small quantity next day at morning I had exercised for 7min gone to the washroom and fresh up went to duty at 9:00hrs and 16 hrs fast complete 12:00hrs I had 2 chupatties and vegetable curry same continue till this day. I had observed that I am feeling the lite weight and more active and even my stomach is working good even I had eaten a less than also I am clearing it a lot that means this food waste was deposited in my body that made me inactive and feeling like sleepy
Hi, I am new to write blog, but still i believe magic is going to happen by writing blog in my life. BELIEVE is powerful words and it can do wonder in everybody life. Its basic path of life to go. For example if you believe i can run or not feeling its happen in the body suddenly. So blindly we follow this rules. One day i was sitting and thinking what make you so powerful as human being ? any power which is hidden can't able to see. Why you got more energy to do every work and compete it as compare to few person. Why few people can get heavy weight on their head and climb but it is impossible few person. So this words came in my mind suddenly. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU WILL ACHIEVE!